Website Magazine
How can solar energy contribute to the ongoing green transition? What could we do with the amount of sunlight striking the Earth’s surface in an hour? MET Group’s goal is to build a geographically and technologically diversified renewables portfolio, consisting of solar and wind projects across Europe.
Media Coverage (EN)
Two different institutions announced top employer prizes. Some companies in Central Switzerland are among the awarded.
Press releases
Swiss-headquartered energy company MET Group announces its entry into the Czech market through its Prague-based subsidiary MET Česká Republika. As a first step, the company will focus on supporting Czech wholesale energy market participants, such as large energy-intensive industrial companies and utilities – with an aim of offering its services to smaller customers and households at a later stage.
Media Coverage (EN)
Swiss energy company MET Group has opened a subsidiary in the Czech Republic and thus started to operate on the Czech market. The group is active mainly in the natural gas market, where it has secured LNG capacities. It also trades in electricity.
Media Coverage (DE)
Zwei verschiedene Institutionen vergeben Arbeitgeber-Preise. Einige Zentralschweizer Unternehmen sind dabei.
Press releases
MET Energia Italia, subsidiary of Swiss-based MET Group, has launched the first Renewable Energy Community in Lombardy. The community is open to all citizens, companies and local authorities in the area, and uses renewable energy to generate energy savings.
Media Coverage (EN)
Competition will intensify on the Czech energy market, especially in the segment of wholesale gas sales to industrial enterprises. At the end of the year, MET Group, a European energy giant based in Switzerland, entered the Czech Republic and has the power to influence domestic energy prices.


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